Latest Articles: Page 5
London Shopfronts : a Review
Mark Bibby Jackson reviews London Shopfronts with illustrations by Joel Holland and words by Rosie Hewitson, as well as a foreword by Asma Khan published by Prestel. London Shopfronts I…
Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre Review
Judith Schrut reviews Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, currently on its 65th Anniversary Tour, at Sadlers Wells Theatre, London and 12 venues across the UK, through 28 October. Alvin Ailey…
The Most Unique Christmas Destination, 2023
The holidays are almost here. As a culture, we have learned a lot in the past few years. We have learned, we never know what tomorrow holds. Most of us…
A Mirror Review : Almeida Theatre
Mark Bibby Jackson reviews A Mirror by Sam Holcroft at the Almeida Theatre. I must admit to having something of a pathological aversion to weddings. So, when I am invited…
Young V&A Bethnal Green Review
The UK’s new, free museum for children, families and the young at heart has opened in London’s East End. Judith Schrut has a first look at the Young V&A. You…
Inhabit Hotel on Southwick Street for a Mindful Break
So many of London’s hotels tend to be big, showy, and audacious, with an extra helping of elitism added on for good measure, but where do you rest your head…