A new short piece by Caryl Churchill and the award-winning seven methods of killing kylie jenner are two of the highlights of the Royal Court reopening programme that will run from 16 June to 18 December.
Royal Court Theatre Artistic Director Vicky Featherstone, says, “We are now proud to be re-opening our building with four pieces of work by eight writers which were all postponed by the sudden onset of the global pandemic. We are also thrilled to be announcing a new short play written at the height of this time, by Caryl Churchill.

seven methods of killing kylie jenner
The programme will start with seven methods of killing kylie jenner by Jasmine Lee-Jones in the Jerwood Theatre Downstairs from 16 June to 27 July. The award-winning play directed by Milli Bhatia and performed by Tia Bannon and Leanne Henlon explores cultural appropriation, queerness, friendship and the ownership of black bodies.
Of having her play as the first to be performed at the Jerwood Downstairs post-lockdown, Jasmine Lee-Jones says, “the thing I missed the most about theatres as they shut down worldwide was the feeling of being in an audience with people, everyone agreeing to that magical contract of taking an imaginative leap to pretend whatever is placed in front of them onstage in that moment is real.
“As such, after all that’s happened over the past two years that makes my job very special. To have the opportunity to have an audience in communion with my innermost thoughts, conflicts and imaginings. To have an audience share in my dream. It’s good to be back.”
Other Plays in the Royal Court Reopening Season

The other plays to appear in the Royal Court season are: The Song Project (17 to 28 August) by Chloe Lamford, Wende, Isobel Waller-Bridge and Imogen Knight; Aleshea Harris’ Is God Is (10 September to 23 October); What If If Only (29 September to 23 October) by Caryl Churchill; and Rare Earth Mettle (10 November to 18 December) by Al Smith.
Meanwhile the Jerwood Theatre Upstairs will house Living Archive, a series of events and interactive experiences that will reimagine the history of the Royal Court. Date and times for these events are yet to be announced.
A Carbon-Free Royal Court Future
The Royal Court has also reaffirmed its intentions of becoming carbon net zero.
“Our commitment to this work remains urgent, and we have spent the past months deepening our understanding and adapting our practices for re-opening,” says Lucy Davies, Royal Court Theatre Executive Producer. “The upheavals in our sector have insisted we look at all of the ways we can be a just, equitable, transparent and ethical cultural space.”
Tickets for the Royal Court reopening programme will go on sale at noon on 21 May, and will include £12 Mondays. Additionaly, half of the tickets for seven methods of killing kylie jenner will cost £18 or less.
Royal Court Ticket Prices
seven methods of killing kylie jenner (£12 to £35), The Song Project (£12 to £35), Is God Is (£12 to £45), What If If Only (£6 to £10), and Rare Earth Mettle (£12 to £45). To find out further details, click here.